Doggy Breath - Pets
Helps relieve foul-smelling breath and other symptoms often associated with poor digestion such as gas, belching and bloating.
Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Chamomilla 6x, Echinacea 6x, Iris versicolor 6x, Ruta graveolens 6x, Taraxacum officinale 6x, Antimonium crudum 15x, Arsenicum album 15x, Baptisia tinctoria 15x, Bryonia 15x, Carbo vegetabilis 15x, Chelidonium majus 15x, Cinchona officinalis 15x, Colchicum autumnale 15x, Daphne indica 15x, Ipecacuanha 15x, Iris versicolor 15x, Kali carbonicum 15x, Kreosotum 15x, Lachesis mutus 15x, Lycopodium clavatum 15x, Magnesia carbonica 15x, Mercurius vivus 15x, Nux vomica 15x, Phosphorus 15x, Pulsatilla 15x, Spigelia anthelmia 15x, Sulphur 15x, Pyrogenium 30x.
Liquid Inactive Ingredients: USP Purified water; USP Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane alcohol 20%.