Allergy New England Mix Spray
Allergies are no fun to begin with and with changing climates they are getting worse. Most allergy medication comes with side-effects. Now there is a safe, natural solution. Allergy New England Mix spray by Natural Creations. It is specifically formulated for the types of grasses, trees, pollen and mold that affect the New England allergy sufferer. You can take it 4-6 times a day as needed and its even safe for kids & pets.
If symptoms are bothersome, try 5 pellets of Histaminum 30C (under your tongue) every 15 minutes for a few doses to calm the symptoms.
For nasal and sinus congestion try Natural Creations Nasal spray. Helps thin mucus, decreases inflammation. Non-habit forming and safe for the whole family.
If mold causes you discomfort, try adding Allergy Atlantic Mold Mix.
Active Ingredients: (all remedies in 6x homeopathic) Birch Mix, Common Mugwort, English Plantain, Maple Mix, Oak Mix #2, Pigweed Mix, Pine Mix, Ragweed Mix, Red Cedar Mix, Red Mulberry Mix, Sheep Sorrel, White Poplar
Inactive Ingredients: Citric Acid, Purified Water, USP Ethanol Alcohol 10%, USP Glycerin